uzushio awaodori ooboke koboke kazurabashi ningyo joruri udatsu no machinami

Quality Control by Artificial Vision


May 12-14, 2021

PARK WESTON Hotel & Wedding, Tokushima, Japan

(QCAV2021 will be held online)

QCAV2021 is all over now!
Next QCAV2023 will be held in Albi, France, on 2023. See you in Albi!

- Best Paper Award Winning Papers:
   - GT1-8, ``Deflectometry based on Light-Field Imaging'',
      A. Meguenanni, K. Tout, S. Kohler, S. Bazeille, J-P. Chambard and C. Cudel
   - GT2-4, ``Identification of Insect Infiltration Time by Tissue Slice'',
      Yuya Hashiguchi, Kenji Terada, Kenji Shinozaki and Kazuhiro Miyama
   - GT2-11, ``Vision-Based Classification of Mosquito Species: Data Augmentation by Background Replacement
      for Convolutional Neural Network-based Species Classification of Smashed Mosquitoes'',
      Ryousuke Tsubaki, Takumi Toyoda, Kota Yoshida and Akio Nakamura
   - GT3-10, ``On Learning Deep Domain-invariant Features from 2D Synthetic Images for Industrial Visual Inspection'',
      Abdelrahman G. Abubakr, Igor Jovančević, Nour Islam Mokhtari, Hamdi Ben Abdallah and Jean-José Orteu
   - GT3-15, ``Pre-training Dataset Generation for Classifying Beams of Vehicle Headlights from Nighttime Camera Image'',
      Tatsuya Oyabu, Rebeka Sultana and Gosuke Ohashi

- For participants:
   - The receipt will be sent as an email attachment after the end of QCAV2021.
      If you have any questions or requests about the registration,
       please contact qcav2021_0125 [at] directyly.

- Conference Program (final version) is opened.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the QCAV2021 conference will be held as a fully online virtual conference.
The health and safety of all participants is our top priority. Please see the details available on this website.
Thanks for your kind understanding.

The objective of the QCAV2021 conference is to provide a forum for researchers, engineers, suppliers and users working in the artificial vision fields. With an emphasis on quality control, the attendees at the conference present and discuss the state-of-the-art in artificial vision, which includes traditional image processing techniques, artificial intelligence, 2-D and 3-D vision sensors, and various applications.
Download the QCAV 2021 Call for Participants (PDF).

Sponsored by

Technical Committee on Industrial Application of Image Processing, Japan Society for Precision Engineering (JSPE)

Technical Sponsor


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